
among others we have also offered our translating and interpretation services for:


European Union institutions, the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in the Czech Republic, the Government Office of the Czech Republic, the Office of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, the Office of the President of the Czech Republic, the Government Office of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministries, the Government Office of the Czech Republic and the Ministries, the National Assembly and Senate of the Czech Republic and the Republic of Slovenia, trade unions


INTEREUROPA/SPEKA, MIRAVA, CAMPING GAZ, ÚAMK, Zakládání staveb, Gorenje, d.d., GORENJE ORODJARNA, MORA s.r.o., BAUMAX, TETRA PAK, Key System, Shell Republika Češka, Danfoss, KRKA KOZMETIKA, XEROX, MAN, INTERTRADE CS, a.s, MORAVI STEEL SLOVENIJA, d.o.o. , IVECO, a.s., EHO, d.o.o., Barum Continental spol. s r.o., ETOL d.d.

Translating agencies

Interlingua, Artlingua, Skřivánek, CEET, IVEX, DIDACTICUS, Pravní překlady, ABIS, d.o.o., FOX agentura and others.